Singing as life practice
Otoño 2024

workshop description

Singing as Life Practice is a workshop in which you will be guided to find and build a relationship with your own voice; to explore what you have to say and the stories you carry inside. It will be based on singing, sound and polyphony, on movement and group training. 

PROCESS: Explorarás cómo tu voz está vinculada a tu cuerpo, que a su vez alberga  tu biografía. ¿Cómo bloquea tu cuerpo ciertos flujos de expresión, y cómo revela tu voz las historias que anhelas contar o que te aterran? A través de ésta descubrirás una mayor capacidad para escuchar a los demás y a ti mismo; para sostener el espacio con fuerza y sin tensión; para encontrar y conectar con tu imaginación y permitir que las canciones no sean sólo canciones, sino historias.

TECHNIQUE: We will work both technically with resonators and with the geometry of the voice. Support it, expand your register and how to imagine the internal space of the body to allow greater ease and fluidity of expression. 

SHAPE: In addition to working imaginatively with a story and with ourselves, for this the songs used are specific songs that allow a dramatic space that the singer can fill.


Bring comfortable clothing, water, paper, and pen.

Please let us know in advance if there are any conditions or injuries we should be aware of that may require attention.


Dates and time:

Sábado 23 de noviembre – 11:00 a 18:00 (una hora para comer)

Domingo 24 de noviembre – 10:00 a 14:30 (media hora de descanso)


Place: La Cuadra – Los Nietos Viejos – Location

Input: 125 €

Registration form: 

Click here To access


Los Nietos Viejos is accessible by public transportation.

We leave you here the link to the train schedules from Cartagena:

Trataremos de coordinar a los participantes que vengan desde Murcia para facilitar el acceso a aquellas personas que no dispongan de medio de transporte propio. Así mismo existen posibilidades de pernoctar en Los Nietos. Consúltanos.


Actualmente no podemos ofrecer alojamiento pero puedes buscar apartamentos en la zona por AirBnb






About EMMA

Emma Bonnici is an actress, singer and pedagogue. Her biggest influences have been her years working in Poland with two award-winning Grotowski-based vocal and physical theater companies: Song of Goat Theater and Teatr Zar.

To this we must add extensive vocal work and research that has taken her from studying at the Met Opera House in New York, to meeting authentic traditional music singers in Georgia, Sicily, Ukraine, the Western Isles of Scotland, and returned to New York to work with Jonathan Hart Makwaia, of the Roy Hart tradition.

Emma created Singing as Life Practice as a practice from which she teaches songs, voice and music from a holistic perspective. Singing and voice as an essential part of life and a place for communication, conversation and self-discovery.
