Between two worlds

workshop description

Creativity – Between two worlds

We propose a series of creative, contemplative and presence practices. Through different artistic tools we will embark on a journey to the sources of our own creativity.

These practices invite us to immerse ourselves in the world of imagination and to express it in different ways: movement, voice, plastic arts or written word. The objective of this intensive workshop is not to produce a result, but to open ourselves to the continuity of a process, to be able to inhabit it and discover ourselves in it.


The multiple crises that global life is going through – ecological, political, economic, social, spiritual… and their magnitude, seem to indicate that we are in a moment of profound transformation of reality as we know it. An intermediate state between a world that is disappearing and another that has not yet emerged. This idea of liminal space or intermediate place serves as a framework for this adventure that is both individual and collective.

In a profound sense, art, play or imagination are intermediate spaces where we can conceive new integrative visions of our internal and external reality. It is the task of art to help us re-weave connections in a seemingly fragmented world.


Dates and time:

November 9 and 10: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (with one hour break)


La Cuadra – Los Nietos Viejos- Location

12 participants maximum.

Contribution: 110 Euros

Registration form:

Click here To access


Until October 25th:

Early booking: 85 Euros

2 registrations for 160 Euros


Suggested age: 20 years and up.

Bring comfortable clothing for movement.

Transportation from Murcia and accommodation in Los Nietos:

Los Nietos Viejos is accessible by public transportation.

We leave you here the link to the train schedules from Cartagena:

We will try to coordinate participants coming from Murcia to facilitate access to those who do not have their own means of transportation. There are also possibilities of spending the night in Los Nietos. Ask us

About Carlos

The workshop will be led by Carlos Cegarra, actor, stage designer and facilitator of creative processes. His teaching work has led him to take part in educational projects in multiple countries as well as higher education institutions in different parts of the world.

Graduated in 2010 from the London International School of Performing Arts since then, Carlos has continued to research gestural theatre, theatrical play, the mask as a ritual element and as a pedagogical tool, the intersections between dance and theatre as well as other avenues of study and learning through movement.

She is currently furthering her artistic and educational training within the Integral Embodiment and Performance Making programme at the Thomas Prattki Centre, Berlin/Ameland. Her interest is oriented towards integral processes of the body that allow for greater creative autonomy, and to develop a performing practice where the personal, the political and the myth can meet.
