Eco-resilience Mar Menor

Mar Menor Eco-resilience

“Eco-resilience: creating resilient ecosystems around the Mar Menor” is a project designed by Neus Fábregas Santana and Juan Manuel Zaragoza from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Murcia.

Over 6 months and through a series of monthly meetings, the project aims to bring together different organizations for the defense of the Mar Menor. These sessions are articulated through three segments: 

– Information on norms, regulations, institutional strategies, participation channels, etc.

– A space to identify common challenges at a social, political and economic level, manage group conflicts and design common strategies.

– Creation of a collective artistic action that brings together the different associations in the public space.

La Cuadra has been invited to participate as the venue for these meetings due to its location in the territory and its affinity with this project to defend our ecosystem.

Also, we have been invited to facilitate this space for the creation of a collective action that will take place in the summer of 2024.
