

In August 2022, the actresses Nadia Clavel, Natalia Martínez, Verónica Bermúdez and the actor Carlos Cegarra participated in Zar Intense, a training and artistic meeting in Wroclaw (Poland) organized by the Teatr Zar company, at the Grotowski Institute. This event was the beginning of a collaboration between Teatr Zar (Poland) and Enkidu Teatro (Spain) merging Zar's research based in ancestral artistic manifestations with Enkidu's movement theater approach. Two of the members of Teatr Zar, Aleksandra Kugacz-Semerci and Mertcan Semerci, traveled to Spain to join EnraiZar. Once the project started, actors Samuel Asensio and Gabriel Almagro joined.

One of the phases of Proyecto EnraiZar was to make an expedition through different cities in Andalusia, with the intention of researching the roots of flamenco, in its many expressions; dance, singing, music, literature, traditions… 

Upon return from the expedition, the research work would be resumed, this time from a creative and artistic laboratory, in La Cuadra space, in the village of Los Nietos Viejos. Here for 10 days, the actors and actresses, through improvisation, with everything collected during the expedition, would work on stage proposals, generating experimentation and cultural and creative exchange between the two companies.

This project culminated in the making of a documentary about the experience that will be screened on February 14, 2024 at the Párraga Center in Murcia.
